I have always loved sunflowers.
Perhaps it is because they are taller than me!
Perhaps it is because they are striking with the colors of golden yellow and chocolate brown.
Perhaps it is because of their name, making me feel bright.
Kiddos Connect created Sunflower Garden of Activities
product for our All Year Kindness Series
Did you know sunflowers are made up of florets?
Did you know the petals are really leaves?
Did you know a sunflower can be 10 feet tall?
One of the activities we included in the unit is
a framed writing book.
The framed writing book is perfect for
the pocket chart
the writing center.
*Teachers use the word cards to manipulate the book
*Kiddos use the word cards to make their own book
As a freebie we are giving a format for a class book, based on the framed writing.
We always did a class book for each unit
and then each kiddo got to choose one at the end of the year to keep.
Kiddos Connect