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FLEW-ency and Fun!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017


The Hummingbird Unit  

has many literacy components 

to learn about hummingbirds--

Informational and Literature closes 


Shared reading and Framed writing books

 several activities to promote 


-First Sound “Flew-ency”
-Letter Naming “Flew-ency”
-Phoneme Segmentation “Flew-ency”
-Nonsense Word “Flew-ency"
Number Facts for 5 in addition and subtraction "Flew-ency"


 SACC experiences
( science, art and cooking with
a culminating fun activity)

Janice and Ann

PS This would be a great unit to purchase to practice DIBELS too!

PSS Many of the fabulous hummingbird pictures were taken by a friend!



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